برنامج يقوم بمراقبة الأجهزة على الشبكة يمكنك رؤية الشاشات الموجودة على الشبكة وارسال رسائل لها وتشغيلها أو ايقافها, برنامج رائع لمراقبة الطلاب في الحصص الدارسية,, :)
مع سريال نمبر
Net Monitor for Classroom is a program that allows a 'view' of a computer monitor of a remote computer, which is connected to the network. To be able to view a computer monitor of the remote computer, the program Net Objective, which you receive with the program Net Monitor for Classroom, must be installed and running on this particular remote computer. The program can be used on networks that use the TCP/IP network protocol. Immediately after the program Net Monitor for Classroom is started, it checks if the program Net Objective connected to a teacher's computer, is running on any of the remote computers. After that, the program displays the windows of all remote computers, where with time (depending on the adjustments) the picture appears, which is displayed on the monitor of the remote computer. Ateacher also has the ability to send a message to the students' computers. Teacher can lock the remote computers at any time. You can switch off or restart all remote computers from your computer. This saves you the precious time!
Name: www.serials.ws
00E9G72GF3 or 54U7W26W34
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